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​Current Board Members

Lisa Standifer-President

Cheryl Komara-Vice-President

Joe Irwin - Treasurer

Cori McGowan- Secretary

Mary Jo Stack- Trustee​


Maintenance Staff:

Ed Bizoski- Supervisor

Noah Smith- Maintenance Associate 

Dave Clevenger- seasonal part-time associate

Merv Standifer-  as needed 




-Garbage may not be put to the curb any earlier than Wednesday 3 pm the day before pickup. *Please put address on your garbage cans. 


-Garbage should be in tied bags or garbage cans with lids. Curb area should be cleaned up after pick-up. 


-Garbage cans must be put away by midnight Thursday. Cans left out Friday will be confiscated and can be picked up my the Maintenance Garage. Cans not retrieved by the following Wednesday will be thrown out.


-Garbage bags and cans must be stored in your garage. 


-Cloth items (couches, chairs, mattresses, etc. must be covered in plastic. 


-Maintenance area should not to be used as a dump for furniture or appliances. Contact the office if you are not sure how to dispose of your garbage.


-If you have circumstances that you need to put the trash out at an earlier time, please contact the office. 


-Construction/ Remodeling materials, larger items & quantities or Furniture, 

Please contact the garbage company directly for large pickup inquiries

RUSS 440-645-8313


There is a "No Solicitation" sign at the enterance of our commmunity. You may call the police on any solicitor. Do not let the solicitor tell you or the police that they have permission. The Mentor Police Dispatch has been informed of our policy and has been given updated contacts for the office and the board.












Business Office Hours

Monday - Friday 9 am - 1 pm

Office 440-255-9034


Please call, leave voicemails, emails, or leave correspondences in the mail slot.


Maintenance Assessments are due on the 1st. must be in the office by the 15th before the end of business day, If the 15th falls on a weekend, payments must be in by Friday 1 pm. A $40 late fee will be assessed to your account if received after the 15th & $40 until the account is paid in full. A $30 assessment for returned checks plus a late fee if not corrected before the 15th of that month.


* Please pay by check, money order,  or use  ACH method of payment.WE NOW HAVE DIRECT PAYMENT CAPABILITIES! The office rolled out email invoices in June and the link to set up direct payments is on the invoice. If you did not or do not get an invoice in Aug. please contact LaKenda.





















All WORK ORDERS MUST go through the office via the work order req. tab. or maintenance office email.

If you have a maintenance-related issue and are not sure a work order is needed, please email

If an individual does not have access to email or the website please call the office

at 440-255-9034 and leave a detailed message.


For medical/safety emergencies call 911 â€‹


Join the IPCA Facebook page









​ Tuesday September 24, at 7p
The IPCA Board will host an open meeting for residents. All are welcome to
come share thoughts, ideas, ask questions or just listen and learn about what we have been doing for the community.

Its back to school time and that means kids will be waiting at the bus stops in the mornings. Please be mindful of this and be patient with residents who are getting their kids off to school. Slow down, be kind, patient and neighborly. We all want to keep our kids safe!! 

IPCA Halloween Party
Sunday Oct 27th 1p-5p
We will have the Browns/Ravens game on!!!
More info to come!

Maintenance will resume painting parking spaces with unit addresses. If there are
changes to what you and your neighbors have been doing, please try and resolve it
amongst yourselves. Keep doing what you have been doing and don’t worry about what
the concrete says. We will not come back to repaint as it is costly and time consuming.
If you have a major issue, contact maintenance directly at

Please note that flower bed maintenance and home up keep is on ongoing task. Weeds will grow back, bushes add new growth, etc. 

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